Monday, September 12, 2011


So we have a lot of good and new changes going on in our church and lives I am very excited. One thing is I am our sign team leader, I LOVE SIGNING, I am not a very expressive praiser those who have seen me in church :-/ but for some reason when I am signing I get into it, the girls crack up at me (in a good way ;-). We have a new name "Signs of LIFE Praise" I don't know about anyone else but I love our name, we are working on getting choir robes which I cannot wait for, no making sure I have a black outfit every month :). We do a Special every month seems like a lot but we don't do a new song every month, that would be exhausting, our last new song was "For Every Mountain" by Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, we did really good and we were anointed which is the whole purpose. As soon as I figure out how to get the video to upload I will. The newest song we are learning is "Holy Thou Art God" the IBC version, I am very excited about it and praying it turns out good. Here are some videos of other church sign teams signing this song, when we do ours I will post the video. (this one you will have to copy and paste the link it is a little over half way down)