Sunday, March 11, 2012

"Something Happens" on a Birthday

So today there was a lot going on, it was our Pastors birthday and the church wanted to celebrate him and what a great shepherd he is, so we did cupcakes, candles, and some of the people said happy birthday and their thanks. The sign team did a song today it was wonderfully anointed. We had 1 receive the Holy Ghost and 2 get baptized it was a good birthday :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY PASTOR

Monday, March 5, 2012

1 of a few Authors

There is a new blog I am on, I know I can barely keep up with the ones I already have :), but this blog is really neat. It is all women authors, helping to encourage, strengthen, enlighten, telling stories, helping each other and others who read the blog. While I think I am the only one who has posted anything so far :) there are actually 6 other authors too ranging from different ages, different backgrounds, different outlooks, hope you enjoy.