Thursday, September 29, 2011

Making Points

My husband often surprises me with things, leaves me notes, sweet text messages etc, and I do the same as well. He has been very busy the last couple weeks and I have hardly seen him, I have missed him :-). Well this week he made big points, he was on a job in Portland painting, painted this before painting the wall all the way and sent it to me :-)

Friday, September 23, 2011

Home Sweet Home

Sitting here in the hotel and all I can think about is going home. Home is definitely where my heart is.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Norman Richard Owens

On Sept 15th at 8:13pm Norman Richard Owens took his last breath :-( I feel blessed to have known him, he was a very loving and generous man. He wasn't married and didn't have kids, no I take that back he did have kids, he had all of us his nieces, nephews, great nieces, great nephews, we were his kids. I remember when I was getting married he was one person I really wanted to be there and he was :-) as happy as can be. I remember him giving me a big hug after the wedding, telling me I was the most gorgeous bride he ever laid eyes on, kissing my cheek and slipping something in my hand, then he said bye. I didn't look to see what was in my hand till later, shame on me, but inside my hand sat $500, I was in shock and started crying. At the time I didn't think about it but that could have been $500 that he didn't have, but that was uncle Norman he would give whatever he could to help someone even if it meant him taking a punch and suffering a little. He loved people and helping people become better, in many different ways. He loved his family he was always near or with his siblings, or some family member. Uncle Norman knew many people and was loved by all. I love you Uncle Norman.

Monday, September 12, 2011


So we have a lot of good and new changes going on in our church and lives I am very excited. One thing is I am our sign team leader, I LOVE SIGNING, I am not a very expressive praiser those who have seen me in church :-/ but for some reason when I am signing I get into it, the girls crack up at me (in a good way ;-). We have a new name "Signs of LIFE Praise" I don't know about anyone else but I love our name, we are working on getting choir robes which I cannot wait for, no making sure I have a black outfit every month :). We do a Special every month seems like a lot but we don't do a new song every month, that would be exhausting, our last new song was "For Every Mountain" by Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, we did really good and we were anointed which is the whole purpose. As soon as I figure out how to get the video to upload I will. The newest song we are learning is "Holy Thou Art God" the IBC version, I am very excited about it and praying it turns out good. Here are some videos of other church sign teams signing this song, when we do ours I will post the video. (this one you will have to copy and paste the link it is a little over half way down)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ten years ago today.........

Ten Years ago today devastation struck our nation and our hearts, I was at my aunts house with my Grandma and my aunts husband came storming up the stairs yelling about planes hitting New York, and turning on the TV, we watched everything after the first plane hit. I remember my heart sinking and not sure what to think. I think for many Americans it woke them up, realizing this nation is not indestructible. Last October my husband and I went to NYC and visited ground zero, being there is indescribable, there is a very sad, heavy feeling seeing how big everything is/was, seeing the memorials, seeing the church that stood and still stands next to ground zero (also being the same exact church that President George Washington went to everyday to pray), seeing the new FREEDOM tower. FREEDOM tower, that is another subject, I know that they are building for a Memorial/replacement, but I think for most people they are looking at it for some kind of freedom from the devastation of 9/11, war, and what was lost. Which to me is even more sad than 9/11, these people are putting their faith and freedom in objects, objects won't give you freedom. If you want true FREEDOM only GOD can give it to you. 9/11 will always be a day of remembrance but it also reminds me and should all of us that that my ETERNAL FREEDOM is in JESUS CHRIST not in people or objects.

These are a couple videos of 9/11 tribute, enjoy.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Where Should I start........

Well I am going to be using my blog a little more often, not sure if anyone actually reads these but, not going to use Facebook, not deleting it though just because I have many family members on there but not using it for posting etc. I am very tired of people using it for gossip/taking things out of context/etc. I usually don't let the grapevine bother me but just getting fed up. People talk (most of it probably lies) because the definition of Gossip is idle talk or rumor, IDLE TALK-- idle or foolish and irrelevant talk, RUMOR---A piece of unverified information of uncertain origin usually spread by word of mouth /Unverified information received from another; hearsay. See my point, Gossiping is like lying there may be some facts in there but for the most part it is a lie. The Bible also talks about gossiping 1 Timothy 5:13 KJV And withal they learn to be idle, wandering about from house to house; and not only idle, but tattlers also and busybodies, speaking things which they ought not. Leviticus 19:16 KJV Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people: neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy neighbour: I am the LORD. Even God dislikes gossip, personally I consider it a SIN because one of the 10 commandments is THOU SHALT NOT LIE and Gossip is for the most part a lie. Anyways that is my thought for today :)